
Day 29 Gratitude

30 Jun , 2018 Uncategorized

Past week has been really nice and quiet (until yesterday…details below). Weather has been good, but really dry! Below are some pics and a video I took from one of my walks this week. These shots are taken up by Shadowcliff, which is fairly high above GL. Yesterday a forest fire started about 2-3 miles […]

Day 21 Gratitude

21 Jun , 2018 Uncategorized

Its been a nice couple of days here in the mountains. Alex and I spent the day in Frisco, CO, which is a hub of activities (skiing, cycling, kayaking, hiking, etc.). We picked up a Gopro attachment for Alex’s bike (will hopefully post some video of her rides soon) and ate dinner at Prosit, which […]

My Top Movies

16 Jun , 2018 Uncategorized

Below are my top movies ever. Only my top 5 are ranked. This list is in process and subject to change. 1. The Town (this movie and #2 should be co-number 1’s…I just can’t decide) 2. Silver Linings Playbook 3. Sideways 4. Eat, Pray, Love 5. Wedding Crashers Matchpoint Jason Bourne series Clear and Present Danger The Constant […]

Day 20 Gratitude

15 Jun , 2018 Uncategorized

  Lots of relaxing going on these days. I recorded the brief video above a couple of days ago. Part of my daily walk takes me “a stone’s throw” from Grand Lake. The weather has been spectacular, but dry. As much as it hurts to say it, we need some rain around here. Beginning tomorrow […]

Day 16 Gratitude

10 Jun , 2018 Uncategorized

Day 16 – It’s Sunday morning. The sky is blue and the air was crisp and cool when I took Sutton out for his morning visit to the park (potty time). Last evening was a first: we picked up dinner (Jumbo veggie burrito and basket of fries) from Sagebrush and took it to RMNP. The first […]

Day 11 Gratitude

8 Jun , 2018 Uncategorized

Another easy and relaxing couple of days. Below are some pictures of our home away from home. We love this place! We are on the main strip of the town of Grand Lake and about 5 blocks from the boardwalk (shops, restaurants, bars, etc.) I dropped Alex off at Shadow Mountain Lake and she paddled […]

Day 9 Gratitude

4 Jun , 2018 Uncategorized

This past weekend was nice. On Saturday, Alex got back on the mountain bike for a couple hour’s ride. Sunday was laundry day so we mostly stayed around the room.  ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]   Below is a short video of the snow we got into last week on top of Trail Ridge Road. […]

Day 6 Gratitude

1 Jun , 2018 Uncategorized

Today was Day 6 of our vacation in Colorado. Alexandrea went kayaking On  Wednesday, we traveled up to Trail Ridge Road to take some pictures of the snow. Oh and there was plenty to be found on the ground and in the sky as the video below shows:

Day 5 Gratitude

30 May , 2018 Uncategorized

Today was Day 5. It was rainy for most of the day so we stayed indoors. Spent some time drinking coffee at the Hub and then dinner. I’m so grateful for this beautiful dog that makes my life so much richer. 

Days 1,2 Gratitude

27 May , 2018 Uncategorized

Alex and I made it to Grand Lake. Grateful to have made the 1200 mile drive with only minor backaches. Yesterday we stayed around town, went grocery shopping and had pizza at Grand Pizza. I started reading the book Disobedient and we went over to Point Park, which sits on Grand Lake. Beautiful. So relaxing. The above picture was […]