Day 16 Gratitude

10 Jun , 2018 Uncategorized

Day 16 – It’s Sunday morning. The sky is blue and the air was crisp and cool when I took Sutton out for his morning visit to the park (potty time). Last evening was a first: we picked up dinner (Jumbo veggie burrito and basket of fries) from Sagebrush and took it to RMNP. The first picture below was my view for dinner. Alex biked in Winter Park again and we checked out an arts/crafts show in GL’s downtown park. Today Alex is going to kayak in Grand and Shadow Mountain Lakes. Our plan is to get takeout (probably Grand Pizza) and find another nice picnic area in RMNP (pictures to be posted later).

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the recent death of Anthony Bourdain. Alexandrea and I started watching “No Reservations” then “The Layover” on the Travel Channel. We then followed Bourdain to CNN with “Parts Unknown.” Originally I liked the show for its global review of food, but came to love his holistic coverage of each location’s culture, which was always fair, interesting, and entertaining. Obviously didn’t know him personally, but I always felt like he gave viewers an honest view of himself and it seemed like he lived life on his terms. Honestly, “Parts Unknown” was one of our favorite shows and we will miss it as well as him. RIP, Mr. Bourdain.

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