
Cascade Falls

6 Jul , 2019 Uncategorized

This past Tuesday I hiked to Cascade Falls. A 7.14 mile hike with a 672 mile elevation gain, this trail provided me a nice workout. My trek began with a nice view of a good-sized moose. Her smaller partner was hiding behind some willows so I couldn’t catch any pics of them. The trail was […]

Hike and Overnight Camp

27 Jun , 2019 Uncategorized

Tuesday I went for a 9.6-mile hike and camped overnight. I started out at the Shadow Mountain Dam and followed the Continental Divide Trail to the Arapaho Bay Roaring Fork Campground. Lots of pretty flowers and the views were amazing, especially when I reached Knight Ridge. Pretty exhausted once I arrived at the campground. Set […]


24 Jun , 2019 Uncategorized

The rain and snow has finally stopped. this is a view from our room this morning. Hopefully it will begin to feel more like summer in GL.

Read, Walk, Hike, Repeat…

23 Jun , 2019 Uncategorized

Alex and I have been in Grand Lake a little over 4 weeks and it’s been lovely. “What have you been doing?” you may ask? Well, let me tell you: read, walk, hike, repeat…read, walk, hike, repeat. You get the idea. I’ve been reading some pretty good books (click HERE to view my site). […]

A little cold snap

28 Apr , 2019 Uncategorized

Yesterday’s cold snap (and snow) reminded me of this article I found on CNN back in February. Click here: A Federal Prison in NY State lost power on a Thursday and said it wouldn’t be repaired until the following Monday. What that meant for inmates is sporadic heat and power. Officials visiting the prison […]

How much is enough?

21 Apr , 2019 Uncategorized

Those of you who’ve taken Sociology of Punishment & Corrections from me may remember a documentary entitled “What I Want My Words To Do To You.” It was a story about a women’s writing group in a maximum security prison (Bedford Hills) in New York State. Click HERE to watch the movie trailer. One of […]

Don’t be a Duck!

14 Apr , 2019 Uncategorized

I spent 9 years at UW-W as the department’s internship coordinator. As such, I’ve spoken with numerous students going into the adul/juvenile corrections field. One of the most frequently talked about concerns was “being conned by offenders.” No matter whether your working in juvenile or adult corrections (and even students heading into law enforcement positions) […]

Nice time of rest?!?!

31 Mar , 2019 Uncategorized

I hope everyone got a bit of rest over spring break. I’m know that many of you work outside of school, but at least you didn’t have to read any juvenile delinquency chapters;) Last, week I traveled to the Upper Peninsula (UP) and spent the week at a cabin next to Lake Superior. We’ve been […]