
Sucker, er, I mean, Soccer Punch?

10 Mar , 2019 Uncategorized

I readily admit that I’m not a soccer fan. I don’t have any ill-will toward the sport; rather, I’ve just never followed it. So it may/may not be surprising to hear that a fan jumped out onto the field of a pro soccer game and punched one of the visiting players in the back of […]

A Lucrative Independent Study?

3 Mar , 2019 Uncategorized

This week’s story (click HERE for video) focuses on a professor who allegedly stole a drug formula from a student during a university research project. Apparently it was a creative formula as it is estimated to be worth upwards of 10 million in royalties. The professor claims that the formula was already under patent when […]

Juvenile Justice System

25 Feb , 2019 Uncategorized

This week’s article (click HERE) focuses on Dane County’s juvenile justice system. It seems that that the major stakeholders (judges, prosecutor, police chief, etc.) have differing ideas about what should be done about problems with troubled youth in the County. What are your thoughts about their opinions?

Anthony Weiner Released

18 Feb , 2019 Uncategorized

Today, former congressman Anthony Weiner was released three months early from Federal Prison for his conviction of Sexting with a Minor. Weiner was sentenced to 21 months for this crime and will live in a halfway house over the next several months, register as a sex offender, and be on probation for 3 years. Click […]

Corrections Officer Shortage

10 Feb , 2019 Uncategorized

This week’s article (Click HERE) focuses on the shortage of corrections officers in the State of Texas (although this issue is one that is effecting all States as well as the US Federal Bureau of Prisons). Wisconsin is also dealing with this issue (see May 2018 article by clicking HERE). The WI article is interesting […]

McNeil Island?? Prison?

3 Feb , 2019 Uncategorized

This week’s is a podcast about a prison that I didn’t even know existed. It’s in Washington State and is currently open only for sexual predators. Check out the podcast (it’s only 24 minutes) and is pretty fascinating. Just post something you found interesting about the podcast.

Seventh Grader Arrested for Capital Murder

27 Jan , 2019 Uncategorized

This week’s article is a doozy: a 12-year old boy allegedly shot and killed a 24-year old man as he sat in his own home. Allegedly the boy was seen running from the home in all black clothing, including a black bandanna covering his face. Check out the story HERE . Texas penal law prohibits […]

Day 72 Gratitude

3 Aug , 2018 Uncategorized

Today is Friday so Alex and I have 7 days remaining before we head back home. Today it was raining when I woke, which is abnormal for GL. The clouds are really low and hide the mountain tops, which make for a somewhat ominous scene. The temperature is 55 degrees so that’s nice. Made this […]

Day 68 Gratitude

30 Jul , 2018 Uncategorized

A little less than 2 weeks left in GL. We’re having such a great time. We’ve met new friends, visited new places, etc. Alex completed the Granby Gut Buster 5k. I recently completed a short article on meditation and pain (click HERE to view it. If you like it, click on “Love it” as I’ll […]