Summer COVID Plans?

24 Apr , 2022 Uncategorized

NOTE: This will be the last post for spring 2022.

So what are your plans for summer 2022? Going to the cottage on the lake for weekends? Some hiking at Devil’s Lake? Or maybe a trip out of state for a long weekend (shop till ya drop)?

My family spend the summer in Grand Lake, Colorado. We’ve been doing so for a long time so we have an RV that we stay in at a campground near Rocky Mountain National Park. Nothing fancy, but not too shabby neither;)

Of course of the past two years we’ve been watching the news closely prior to our trips. No, not for wildfires or road closures. Mostly for COVID levels, etc.Yeah, sad to say, but it’s the truth. In what ways, if any, will COVID affect your summer plans?

Wondering what the summer holds COVID-wise? Check out this article HERE

8 Responses

  1. Rachel Sluga says:

    I have a weekend planned with some friends in an Airbnb (somewhere around Devil’s lake, A week long vacation up north in a cabin with my family, and another (almost week long) vacation with my moms side of the family. Other than that I will be hanging out with my friends and working. I will also –hopefully — have a car by then. I am excited for summer!

  2. Cailey Russell says:

    I plan to work most of the summer. Covid doesn’t affect my job. We don’t wear masks or have a different way of doing things. Most of my friends and family choose not to wear a mask, so that doesn’t impact me either. I will be going on vacation off-roading and to Six flags. I like to take summer to unwind and have fun, so I don’t have many plans to keep me busy.

  3. Jenna Roesler says:

    The article states Hawaii to be the only state that still has a mask mandate, but a few weeks after the article was published the state actually got rid of their mask mandate as well. I definitely believe a new variant could occur-however, I really hope it doesn’t. I am studying abroad in the fall so my summer plans mostly consist of working as much as I possibly can to save up for that experience!Your Colorado trips sounds very fun. I’ll be in Denver for a music festival in the middle of July that I’m looking forward to. Any other extra money I have will probably go to similar events 🙂

  4. Lindsay Paulus says:

    I am looking forward to my summer plans, even though it involves lots of working. My family is currently planning two trips, one to Nashville and one to Mexico. I am really excited for these and hoping that Covid doesn’t create any problems involving these trips. Other than that, I plan to do lots of hiking and spending time with my friends.

  5. Abigail Hendrix says:

    This summer I do not have many specific plans. I am mostly looking forward to seeing and spending time with my hometown friends. We all go to different schools during the school year, but so far everyone has still been going home for summers. It is really nice to see them as we pretty much grew up together.

  6. Emma Ciriacks says:

    Right after classes are done my boyfriend and I are taking a road trip to go camping in Utah. We are spending about a week going to as many national parks as we can. Since we will be outdoors most of the time, I don’t think covid will affect the trails but there are some locations that require masks so we will remember to pack them. Towards the end of summer my family takes a trip up north and we stay in a little, secluded cabin in a small town.

  7. Jenna Onley says:

    I don’t have that many plans for summer besides going a, I think, 4 concerts during the summer. Also, we usually have a plan to go on the Sugar River at least once with all of my friends. I’m just very excited to move into my new apartment and starting working at my seasonal job during the summer. My family wants to take a trip somewhere because I turn 21, my dad turns 50, and its my parents 25th anniversary of being married. So I’m excited for that too but we still don’t know where we are going. I would love to go to Nashville or Las Vegas but with my dad coming we don’t know where he will want to go.

  8. Logan Braasch says:

    My plans include continuing to focus on school and work. I have a math class starting May 25 and then another Core class after that. So I will have a couple weeks off after this semester ends but I am sure that I will be distracted with Math and preparing to have nothing on my mind except functions, linear, exponential and logarithmic models, statistics, and probability for 6 weeks. Math is like the major hurdle to getting my degree. I like summer classes and want to graduate sooner than later. I have a lot of anxiety about passing Math but I am hoping with the help of tutors and lots of studying I can at least pass. But I will be proud to make the Dean’s List. Otherwise, nothing too exciting except work. Rocky Mountain National Park is somewhere I’d like to go someday. Have fun there!

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