Better late than never

10 Apr , 2022 Uncategorized

This week’s blogpost focuses on a report that a serial killer was recently identified after 30 years. Yes, you read that correctly-30 years later. Wow.

Apparently known as the I-65 killer, the man, now deceased, was identified through genealogy and DNA evidence, which is pretty interesting. Nice and interesting article. There’s also a video to check out as well.


7 Responses

  1. Logan Braasch says:

    When I heard this case was solved on the news, I thought it was the I-70 killer (a long unidentified serial killer with a VERY similar modus operandi who still has yet to be identified). I just read police are comparing notes to see if the I-70 and I-65 killer are one in the same. The sketches of the I-70 killer even look like Harry Edward Greenwell. I always love to see old cases solved and a lot have now been solved with genealogy databases: the Golden State Killer most famously. I have heard at least 50 cold cases have now been solved using genetic genealogy. I also know that many unidentified decedents are now identified through the use of genetic genealogy. I happy for the families of the victim but it’s too bad he’ll never step foot in a courtroom and ultimately escaped justice in this life. Now it’s time the I-70 killer be caught and brought to justice. (Unless they are the same person?) This was profiled on Unsolved Mysteries.

    Is the I-70 killer the I-65 killer?

  2. Lindsay Paulus says:

    I think it is pretty interesting that with today’s technology we are able to do things like this. I think that by having this, we could prevent a lot of possible future crime. I’m glad that this was able to give the victim’s family members closure knowing who was the man who committed these murders. But there still is the point that Harry Greenwell will never be brought to justice and be punished. While it is better late than never, I hope that this type of genetic genealogy can aid in the search of other killers.

  3. Abigail Hendrix says:

    As attorney Gilbert Wright says, people will interpret this information differently. Some may see it as closure while others may feel anger that this person will never face conviction. While it may not be ideal, I think just the little bit of closure can be a source of comfort even for those who feel that initial anger. I do respect the investigators for not giving up on the case. I feel like it can be easy to just give up and move on to the next one, but for the families it is so much more than just another case and their commitment to it shows immense care for the people affected by it. I also think these advances in technology will be useful moving forward.

  4. Jenna Roesler says:

    I think it’s great that Kim Gilbert Wright, the daughter of Jeanne Gilbert, grew up to become an attorney. I’m sure she had a lot of driving forces to lead her in that path. I do agree with her when she said everyone will be grieving differently and that justice is different to everyone; yes, he is dead, but he got to die knowing he got away with all his heinous crimes on women. When you think of the grand scheme of things, DNA testing has really been a huge and important tool over the last several decades and I’m sure has reduced some violent crime. I was having a conversation with someone a few weeks ago how we rarely hear about serial killers who kill multiple people anymore and a huge part of that is the access we have to DNA testing and other security tools.

  5. Rachel Sluga says:

    I think is is very interesting (as a whole). It is a shame that the killer couldn’t do time for his crimes, and that it took this long to figure out who did the crimes in the first place. hmm, the more you know. Glad they know who did it all.

  6. Emma Ciriacks says:

    It is crazy that after 30 years they finally made a conclusion and identified the murderer. I can’t imagine the relief and how grateful each family of the victims are. It is very interesting how they identified him through DNA and his family tree with a 99.9999% match. This tool can be so incredibly useful in many other cold case and I feel could help solve cases fast.

  7. Jenna Onley says:

    I have to say it’s a good thing that they found out who was doing these crimes, but it does suck that it took 30 years to figure it out. I just wonder how many other crimes he did along with with the ones we know of. I do think it is a shame that he can’t do time or anything for his crimes because I have a feeling some of the people who are affected by his crimes would want justice and to see him in prison for everything he did.

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