Rights versus Duties

8 Feb , 2022 Uncategorized

This week’s topic is a VIDEO focusing on climate change and what we can/can’t and should/shoudn’t do to help. Another disclaimer: this subject is one that I’m only recently becoming more passionate. For most of my years, it’s one that I simply didn’t think about. I think my recent (last 3-4 years) interest in camping, hiking, and just nature in general, has sparked an interest in the topic.

Two points:

  1. Rights v Duties

I love when the man in the video talks about how all our current conversations revolve around RIGHTS. My right to freedom, etc. But where is the discussion about what DUTIES each of us have to care for one another, the environment, etc. To me, we get so consumed with “getting ours” that we leave no room for taking care of other things.

Whose footprint is most important?

Individual issues as societal problems – This video shows the importance of understaning the ways in which societal structures control big parts of society. YES, it IS important for each of us to do what we can to solve social problems (crime, poverty, environment, etc.); however, the reality is that much of the change we seek will only come from the top down. In other words, we as a society must work together to force change within the larger structures in society.


9 Responses

  1. Madison Hoffmann says:

    I agree that everyone has to do their part, whether it’s with climate change or societal structures. One person can not change the world. They can initiate and encourage the change, but without the help of others or even the majority, nothing will change enough to see positive results.

  2. Abigail Hendrix says:

    It is important for everyone to do what they can when it comes to climate change. While some people are capable of altering their lifestyle by installing solar panels or changing their diet, others do not have the resources to do it. As the video suggests their need to be changes to policies, and the way our society is structured. Restructuring society to make everyday activities more environmentally friendly is a way that can really make a change and ensure that everyone is a part of that change.

  3. Lindsay Paulus says:

    I think it is really important when it comes to what each person can do. I think most of the time people don’t try to make a difference or try to help because they cannot do much as one single individual. But if we all did our own parts, then it can come together as something much larger and benefit everyone. Without everyone helping and working together, we cannot get very far. But, even though one person can try to make a change, society also needs to change. There are always limits to how much we can do or how far we can go. Our ways and our society are both in need of restructuring.

  4. Rachel Sluga says:

    I think that everyone does things for themselves and their individual priority is themselves. I do agree with a lot of the people who commented saying that everyone has to do their part. But as Lindsay said, “There are always limits to how much we can do or how far we can go. Our ways and our society are both in need of restructuring”.

  5. Emma Ciriacks says:

    Although we don’t have much time until 2050, we need to take it person by person. Encouraging one person can spread it along faster than doing something publicly all at once. Everyone has their own part to contribute but we need everyone’s contributions in order to see and produce change. Changing our daily lives to become more environmentally-friendly is a good place to start but won’t be enough if it is just a single person. It is honestly sort of terrifying how little time when have left until the irreversible effect of climate change sets in, we need to start making an impact on society to be able to reconstruct it.

  6. Cailey Russell says:

    I think that we should focus on ourselves before we focus on anyone else. If we do what we can to help societal problems, then we are doing our part. Not everyone is going to agree with the right way to stop or help a societal problem, but if we each do what we think is best then we are helping towards the big picture, rather than blaming others way on how they are trying to help. If someone wants to go around and protest that we should banned plastic straws and show what it is doing to the world, then that is their part, if someone wanted to buy unpackaged goods when they can, then that is their part. If we focus on ourselves, then society will help itself as a whole.

  7. Jenna Onley says:

    I agree that everyone has their duties and we as a whole society have duties. Not one person can change a society unless others chime in and help. There are so many things that everyone can help out with, like climate change, crime, etc. Climate change is a huge problem in our world. Our earth is getting so high in temperature that I believe one day there will be no ice or snow. Which is crazy to think about but that will kill so many of our wildlife.

  8. Brooklynn Roszak says:

    I agree with the fact that each individual person in society has their own tasks, and we as a whole population can have even more impactful tasks. The topic of climate change is a serious matter when it comes to the duties of our society as a group and how our actions impact our earth. Some people say it takes one person’s mindset to change the world, but it would be more difficult to get every single persons attention and start making changes with beneficial outlooks. It’s always important to look after ourselves first, but we should be aware of how our actions impact our world and the people around us

  9. Logan Braasch says:

    According to the survey taken in the fall of 2021 and conducted by the Associated Press NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago, 75% of Americans believe that climate change is happening, 10% don’t believe in it, and 15% are not sure. Of the 75%, 54% believe human activities are to blame—the rest either believe climate change is caused by natural changes; 32% believe it is both. It is unlikely that small changes in our behavior can reverse climate change. Even if 100% believed our behavior could stop climate change, we can see from the video that such “big change behavior,” such as a trip back home by plane, impacts the causes for climate change dramatically. The western U.S. is experiencing a horrific drought. In different cities, you must install a specific type of toilet that reduces water usage. Lawns dry up because the number of times you can water your lawn is very restricted. When the climate change reaches the point of really taking away our freedoms, my hope is that we can all become a unified voice and petition our governing authorities to make budgets sensitive to environmental concerns and put more limits on big businesses that have practices in place that blatantly harm our environment.

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