Cascade Falls

This past Tuesday I hiked to Cascade Falls. A 7.14 mile hike with a 672 mile elevation gain, this trail provided me a nice workout.
My trek began with a nice view of a good-sized moose. Her smaller partner was hiding behind some willows so I couldn’t catch any pics of them.
The trail was a mix of meadows and forest with lots of birds, squirrels, and an occasional marmot. It was particularly rocky in spots, which I don’t particularly enjoy, but the falls were really nice. I’m always surprised at the level of sound a water fall generates. I was sitting about 10 yards from two other hikers who were holding a conversation, but I could only see there mouths move, as the sound of the waterfall dominated all other sounds. I love the unique solitude created by waterfalls.
Cascade Falls is a nice hike for any person (if I can do it, anyone can). It is a heavily-used trail so this isn’t the one for you if you want some quiet. All in all, it was a great morning. Below are the pics from the hike.
Private Cabin along the trail Private Cabin along the trail